阿姆斯壮创造性地将数字水温控制技术与即热式换热器设计相结合,研发出掀起行业革命的板式蒸汽-水热水器系列产品 Digital-Flo®

Digital-Flo 热水器适用于使用 BACnet™、LonWorks™ 和 Modbus 协议的楼宇自控系统,并可通过 Web 浏览器进行远程编程及性能数据的访问。

阿姆斯壮国际生产了一系列集成 The Brain®(大脑)所有优势的数字热水成套设备 — 精确、简单和连接方便。 要了解有关 The Brain(大脑)的详细信息,请点击此处


Digital-Flo plate and frame steam to water



Digital D1S DW Plate & Frame

Digital-Flo® Model D1S
Only available in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.
Digital-Flo® Model D2S
Only available in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.
Digital-Flo® Model D3S
Only available in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.
Digital-Flo® Model D4S
Only available in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.
Digital-Flo® Model D1S DW
Only available in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.
Digital-Flo® Model D2S DW
Only available in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.
Digital-Flo® Model D3S DW
Only available in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.
Digital-Flo® Model D4S DW
Only available in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.