Even with sudden changes of inlet pressure and temperature to the valve, the actuator controller aggressively minimizes outlet temperature variations, making the system ideal for use in industrial applications as a simple stand-alone or integrated mixing solution.
Electronic Actuator Features
- Analog (4-20mA) input and output control signals for interfacing with SCADA control
- Software configurable control settings
- Very high resolution capability (0.03° rotational)
- External RS232 connection (cable supplied)
- Stand-alone closed loop temperature control, or remote analog (4-20mA) control options
- Power: regulated 24Vdc 3.5Amp supply required
- Failsafe position feedback (non-contact absolute encoder)
- Keypad: 4 membrane switches with “dual touch” safety features
- Display: 3.5 digit LCD display with back light
- Push-button power switch
- Extra analog input for interfacing ancillary devices (e.g., flow switch, level switch)
- 90° stroke time as low as 1.5 seconds for fast control action
- Gearbox: planetary, lifetime lubrication, low backlash
- 100% duty cycle rated actuator