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热力除虫是甲基溴熏剂除虫的安全、有效的替代方案。阿姆斯壮可通过产品和服务提供高效、低成本的热力除虫解决方案,而且是业界可接受的化学除虫方式的替代除虫方式。阿姆斯壮热力除虫设备可提供: 不需撤离楼宇,当场灭虫 在除虫过程中,不需打断维护、生产 控制温度不影响电子器件和建筑 符合有机物生产厂和加工厂的需求 不需特殊技术人员,不受政府管理条例限制 阿姆斯壮重型加热盘管是热微风加热器和热柜式加热器的核心部件,这两者均为虫害控制有效的解决方案。这两款设备有不同的尺寸、热量输出、电压和材料供选。 阿姆斯壮拥有几十年为重工业用户提供盘管的经验。我们多年从事盘管生产的经验、实际操作知识和专业技能使得我们能够为贵方的热力除虫需求提供专用的加热盘管。 为便于我们了解热力除虫是否能为贵方虫害控制效率,
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重型、便携式阿姆斯壮热柜式加热器为箱柜、储仓和其他不易接近的食品加工设备提供了有效的加热方式。这些极具成本优势的加热器对于热力昆虫、暂时的舒适加热和冷冻保护是一个理想的解决方案。此外,由于热源是可以通过管道输送的,热柜式加热器可以将热量一个加热器传送到多个区域。 阿姆斯壮热柜式加热器具有多种配置,以及热量输出和材料的选择,可满足绝大多数的现场要求。所有便捷式热柜加热器都预接管,且包括温控阀、入口过滤器、出口蒸汽疏水阀、温度计、手工式马达启动器及易于旋转的锁轮。 阿姆斯壮热柜式加热器提供采购、长期租赁或短期出租多种供货方式。 为便于我们了解热力除虫是否能提高贵方害虫控制效率,请与我们联系并填写 阿姆斯壮热力除虫评估表格。
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重型阿姆斯壮热微风加热器安装在牢固的装载车上,可为食品加工区域提供移动加热。该低成本的加热器对于热力除虫、暂时性的舒适加热和冷冻保护等是理想的解决方案。阿姆斯壮热微风式加热器具有不同的尺寸、热量输出、电压和材料供选。 所有便携式阿姆斯壮热微风加热器都预先接管,包括一个入口过滤器、蒸汽疏水阀、温控阀和带有易于旋转锁轮的重型铁车。此外,该热微风加热器还可以永久性安装在固定位置上。 阿姆斯壮热微风加热器提供采购、长期租赁或短期出租多种供货方式。 为便于我们了解热力除虫是否应为贵方提高害虫控制效率,请与我们联系并填写 阿姆斯壮热力除虫评估表格。
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侧倾45度送热,用于低顶板设备。 垂直送热,用于卷门或滑动门进料口。
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ExpressPack™ is a multi-tube steam dispersion panel that accepts atmospheric source steam and discharges it into a duct or air handling unit.Packaged with Armstrong Steam Generating HumidifiersExpressPack™ is designed to accept steam from the following Armstrong humidifiers:
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Armstrong ST Steam/Water Instantaneous Heat Exchangers offer multiple size/flow options in a compact heavy duty industrial shell and tube type "Feed Back" Water Heater with steam control valve.The Flo-Rite-Temp ST is a compact heavy duty industrial steam shell and tube type instantaneous heat exchanger. Its heavy duty construction and easy-to-clean tube bundle make it ideal for those difficult applications where downtime is a concern.
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Even with sudden changes of inlet pressure and temperature to the valve, the actuator controller aggressively minimizes outlet temperature variations, making the system ideal for use in industrial applications as a simple stand-alone or integrated mixing solution. 
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The 3-port valve utilizes unique shear action disc technology and swirl-mix body geometry to provide high performance dynamic fluid mixing. The nature of the valve seat design minimizes disc wear, outperforming conventionally seated valves, minimizing seal replacement and plant downtime. 
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The shear action disc design of the actuated valve provides precise controlled mixing of steam and water. Fitted with the electronic actuator and an integrated temperature sensor, the system ensures fast, accurate and stable temperature control. The single compact assembly simplifies installation. The independence of this stand-alone unit provides a reliable solution for hot water supply for industrial applications.
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The Emech 2 port flow control valve and actuator system utilizes ceramic shear action disc technology to provide tight shut-off, high pressure differential capability and long life integrity.
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The Emech 2 port valve utilizes ceramic shear action disc technology to provide tight shut-off, high pressure differential capability and long life integrity. Combined with the Emech electronic actuator, high speed stand-alone closed loop temperature control is possible. The Emech port valve utilizes ceramic shear action discs as the dynamic seal.
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The integral RS485 Serial Port on The Brain® Digital Recirculating Valve (DRV) can be used to connect the DRV directly to a Building Automation System (BAS) using Modbus RTU or to an optionally selected Control Module (BS) which enables interface with a BAS operating on Modbus, BACnet™ or LonWorks™ protocols.
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Accuracy – Simplicity - Connectivity Armstrong blends revolutionary digital water temperature control technology with instantaneous Plate & Frame heat exchanger design to deliver Digital-Flo®, an industry changing series of Boiler Water to Water Heaters. Digital-Flo® uses digital technology featuring The Brain® Digital Recirculating Valve (DRV) to offer a level of hot water system temperature control accuracy previously considered unattainable.
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Accuracy – Simplicity - Connectivity Armstrong blends revolutionary digital water temperature control technology with instantaneous Plate & Frame heat exchanger design to deliver Digital-Flo®, an industry changing series of Boiler Water to Water Heaters. Digital-Flo® uses digital technology featuring The Brain® Digital Recirculating Valve (DRV) to offer a level of hot water system temperature control accuracy previously considered unattainable.
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Rotabreath high-mounted, heavy-duty heaters are strong enough to efficiently battle high ceilings and large doors that contribute to lack of heating. Plus, they only require simple installation and minimal maintenance. Product Benefits:
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Armstrong blends revolutionary digital water temperature control technology with instantaneous heat exchanger design to deliver Digital-Flo®, an industry changing series Plate & Frame Steam/Water Heaters.  
