Put the principle of the inverted bucket to work in a tough cast iron package and you have the best of both worlds—energy efficiency and long-lasting reliability. Add the advantages of valves integrated into one compact trap/valve casting, and you extend the benefits into installation, trap testing and maintenance.
The stainless steel version of the remarkable Armstrong Trap Valve Station (TVS) gives you two piston-style isolation valves, a test valve and an integral stainless steel strainer with blowdown valve—all merged in a single, versatile package that takes up only 5 inches! What’s more, the unique Armstrong connector makes the TVS compatible with all of these:
Armstrong matches reliability with advanced piston sealing technology to create the TVS 1100 Series Carbon Steel Trap Valve Station. The compact design of the TVS 1100 has a single valve operation that reduces the number of potential leaks, piston valves with dual sealing action to insure long-term protection and an integral strainer to eliminate particles from steam during operation. This bimetallic steam trap is a long- lasting solution for steam isolation services.
TVS 6000UD ensures increased safety while saving space, time and cost.
TVS 6000UD is a compact double isolation and bleed concept (up and downstream) with a 360° connector.
TVS 6000UD gives you double isolation inlet and outlet piston valves, bleed of inlet/outlet valves, a test valve, a strainer and a blowdown valve at trap inlet all merged together in a single compact 2-bolts universal connector.