Steam System—Updates, Reports and Alerts
SAGE® provides steam system updates, reports, documentation and real-time alerts of any problems.
SAGE® keeps you fully informed, 24 hours a day by providing regular updates, precise documentation, custom-filtered reports, and real-time alerts to notify you immediately of any problems that arise.
SAGE® calculates steam loss data and reports it using our proprietary steam system efficiency methodology. The Armstrong methodology has been approved by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and ours is the first efficiency methodology to be approved for international trading of resultant carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions credits under the Kyoto Protocol.
SAGE® Dashboard
The dashboard gives you a powerful decision-making tool by providing convenient access to vital, real-time data from multiple areas.
Steam system
Facility summary of steam trap system performance rate and daily losses.
System notifications allow for easy identification of problems and maintenance of equipment.
Real-time technical support
Support for SAGE® and Armstrong International products through face-to-face video communication, email and phone calls.
Annual steam loss
A 12-month view of steam and monetary loss.
Smart Utility Reporting
SAGE® delivers the reports you need, based on the parameters you choose.

Steam Trap Executive Summary
Provides a totalized summary of selected data in any of the following categories: monetary loss, fuel used, repair cost, payback period, and CO2 emissions. Chart options include: trap type, application and condition summaries.
Steam Trap Survey Summary
Although similar to the Steam Trap Executive Summary, this report pulls data for selected survey technicians and time periods, allowing the user to run a report based on a performed survey.
Work Order/Defective Trap Report
Provides a list of the defective traps within selected data parameters. Lists are organized according to selected groups, making it easier to find and repair traps.
Trap Detail Report
Full-page report provides complete details for each trap within selected data parameters.