Improve efficiency and reduce risk when mixing STEAM and WATER at the point of use for wash-down.

Steamix Hose Stations will not pass live steam in the event of a:
- Significant cold water pressure reduction.
- In the event a reduction in cold-water pressure to below 20 (+/-5) psi (1.4 bar), STEAMIX will respond with a complete shutdown of outlet flow.
- Complete failure of the cold water supply.
- In the event of a failure of the inlet cold-water supply - STEAMIX will respond with a complete shutdown of outlet flow.
- Failure of its primary operating component.
- If there is a structural failure of the primary operating component (diaphragm), STEAMIX will “fail safe” to cold water.
Steamix Hose Stations also offer:
- Single Lever Temperature Control
- Single Temperature Locking Device
- To prevent over-temperature selection by the user and the potential for overheated water and flash steam presentation common with other types of hose stations, STEAMIX is supplied with a single-temperature locking set
- Single Lever Flow Control (Premium & Stainless Steel Models)
- Stainless Steel Cabinet Enclosure (option)
- 45 Day Free Trial