Humidification Solutions for the Hospitality Industry
Armstrong provides state-of-the-art design, manufacturing and application of humidification and conditioned steam equipment for hospitality organizations worldwide.
Our energy-efficient, cost-effective solutions consistently deliver the clean, reliable, precisely controlled humidification necessary for reducing static discharge and achieving a pleasant, comfortable environment.
- HumidiClean™ Humidifiers
- HumidiPack® Steam Dispersion Panels
- Series 1000 Stainless Steel Direct Steam Humidifiers

HumidiClean™ Humidifiers
HumidiClean™ electric and gas-fired humidifiers feature replaceable, ionic bed inserts. This remarkable technology provides more efficient and safe operation, increased energy savings, and close to maximum output throughout their service life.

HumidiPack® Steam Dispersion Panels
This prefabricated steam humidifier system is ready for insertion in the duct. Armstrong HumidiPack® offers simplified installation, corrosion-resistant stainless steel, reduced heat gain to duct air, and compatibility with many steam sources. The HumidiPack® Family includes a variety of sizes and configurations to meet new installation or retrofit needs.

Series 1000 Stainless Steel Direct Steam Humidifiers
Armstrong offers Series 1000 steam-separator humidifiers for use in sensitive environments where pure demineralized, deionized or distilled water is used to generate clean steam. Wetted parts of the humidifier package are stainless steel, minimizing the carryover of impurities created by this highly corrosive water.
Learn More About Series 1000 Stainless Steel Direct Steam Humidifiers