Skill Development & Training

Skill Development and Training for the Hospitality Industry

Armstrong University gives you online access to more than a century of in-depth knowledge and experience.

We're committed to sharing all that we've learned to help you make the smartest possible decisions for your institution. Armstrong offers an extensive array of online courses and educational packages for the hospitality industry.

More online courses for the hospitality industry from Armstrong University

Recommendations from Armstrong University


Learn how Legionella develops in hot water systems, the dangers of Legionella if left untreated and how it can be killed, and how to design a hot water system that discourages Legionella growth.

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Hospitality Package

More than 40 courses to help you: increase guest satisfaction and safety, operate your thermal utility systems more efficiently, and learn how monitoring, measuring and auditing your systems can save time, money and energy.

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Safety Training 101 Package

This package of 21 courses addresses environmental health and safety issues to help you provide a safe working environment. Each course can typically be completed in 30 minutes or less.

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