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Accueil > VERIS Flow Measurement Group
VERIS Flow Measurement Group
 Demo- 001
Ultraportable 3D Accelabar®
Net Price-$200
 Demo- 004
3D Yokogawa Transmitter
Net Price-$350
 Demo- 007
3D Wedge Meter Cutaway
Net Price-$250
 Demo- 002
Ultraportable 3D Accelabar® with F head
Net Price-$265
 Demo- 005
3D Verabar®
Net Price-$18
 Demo- 008
3D Venturi Meter Cutaway
Net Price-$150
 Demo- 003
3D Accelabar® with Transmitter
Net Price-$615
 Demo- 006
3D Verabar® Sensor Size Board
Net Price-$100
 Demo- 009
Vortex Meter Demo
 Demo- 010
Orifice Union and Plate
 Demo- 011
Flow Nozzle Demo
 Demo- 012
Wedge Meter Demo
 Demo- 013
Venturi Demo
 Demo- 014
VERIS Air Blower Cart Demo
2” Accelabar® and 2” Verabar®
Display Dims: 58” x 26”x 60”
Shipping Weight: 595lbs
Shipping Dims: 66” x 35” x 75”
 Demo- 015
Verabar® Metal Shape
 Demo- 016
V150-(6 in)-10-H-M w/ case
Net Price-$1,100
 Demo- 017
V100-05-H-R Demo w/ case
Net Price-$400
 Demo- 018
V100-(6in)-10-H-G w IMV30
V200S (10in)-10-H-R
 Demo- 020
AFS-4-150-H-M w/ case>
Net Price w/o transmitter-$1,520
Net Price w/ transmitter-$2,340