FRT535DWP50 is a complete pre-piped parallel (redundant) double wall instantaneous steam/water shell and tube heater. The assembly includes two 535 instantaneous Flo-Rite-Temp water heaters with a Digital Recirculating Valve (DRV50).
Digital technology provides enhanced water temperature control accuracy and enhanced user safety in a single control component.
Operational Specifications
- +/-2°F water temperature control at points of use 25’ downstream during demand
- +/-2°F water temperature control during zero system demand “idling” periods
- 2°F minimum valve inlet to outlet temperature requirement (system recirculation temperature loss)
- Automatic shutoff of hot water flow upon cold water inlet supply failure
- Automatic shutoff of hot water flow in the event of a power failure
- Programmable set point range of 81-158°F (27-70°C)
- Programmable 1st level hi/lo temp alarm display
- Programmable temperature error level for double safety shutdown.