Armstrong combines its Trap Valve Stations (TVS) with manifolds in a package called the Condensate Collection Assembly (CCA). This prepackaged assembly offers many great benefits—cost savings in assembly, design flexibility and reduced purchasing and design time. The CCA with TVS 4000 Series and the Inverted Bucket Traps is guaranteed for three years.
Cost savings
This preassembled concept offers tremendous savings by reducing multiple component purchases that cause additional purchase-order monitoring and shipping costs. Other savings include far less labor time for field assembly. This modular forged steel body design provides quick assembly/delivery, reducing overall project costs.
- Eliminates multiple component purchases
- Reduces design specification costs
- Eliminates cumbersome field assembly, because components are prefabricated
- Reduces shipping and field handling costs
- Lowers long-term maintenance and operating costs
- Protects with a three-year guarantee
Design flexibility
Armstrong can meet virtually any design parameter with your choice of socketweld or threaded connections. Inverted bucket, thermostatic, thermostatic wafer, or disc or bimetal steam traps can be provided for any other manufacturer’s two-bolt steam trap. If you require a specific piping arrangement, Armstrong offers the flexibility to meet your needs.
- Compatibility with most Armstrong steam trap types
- Compatibility with TVS 4000 Trap Valve Stations (TVS)
- Dimensional consistency
- Space savings
- Option for freeze protection
- Availability of insulation package
Manifold body: ASTM A105 forged steel
Optional freeze protection package (CCAF)
A manifold assembly for more efficient condensate return has another benefit—freeze protection. Armstrong’s innovative manifold design actually serves as a heat station, heating one or more traps if the steam supply is interrupted or shut off to the traps.
The protection is provided as long as one trap continues to discharge into the manifold. The manifold’s internal siphon tube creates a water seal, which contains the flash steam from the discharge of the live trap. This allows radiant heat to protect shut-off traps from freezing.
An optional freeze protection valve package senses condensate temperature. When this device opens, it drains condensate from the manifold assembly, thus providing further freeze protection.
Removable insulation package
A removable insulation package is available for all steam and condensate manifolds. The package is:
- Inexpensive
- Quickly installed
- Removable for maintenance
- Reusable after maintenance
- Weatherproof
- Formed to cover all manifold elements
- Strong and durable